My Super Sensitive Boy

by Claire

Visitor's high need baby story:

"Wow that's a loud cry"....not the typical first words you expect to say after meeting you're bundle of joy, but that was exactly my and my husband's first thought.

Our beautiful baby boy cried and fussed from the moment he was born and I quickly realised he was a little different to say the least from my first baby.

LO couldn't get enough to eat. It was his comfort. He unfortunately for the first few months of life fell into the uncuddly mold of high needs baby which was very tough for me to accept. You feel as a mother you are failing, you can't sooth your own baby.

I spent weeks researching everything to come up with a solution, osteopaths, doctors, consultants but it wasn't until I read a Dr Sears article that I realised, it's not me its just the way my baby is.

Hallelujah, acceptance and patience is what's needed with my boy. After weeks of feeling my little boy hated me, now we've come full circle, I'm all he wants and by god do I fulfill what he needs.
He is super sensitive, amazingly fun and happy but very vocal.

I've found, like you said, that attachment parenting the best. I'm his voice when someone invades his space, which I know he wont like, I politely tell them back off. My little prince will flourish and triumph with extra care, sensitivity and extra love.

Please, be patient and don't feel like a failure. "This too shall pass" and the best one I've heard is "Its not like he'll still be crying in his wedding day, relax." Its who they are. Let them be and be gentle with yourself.

I find a weekly glass of wine with my girlfriends helps hugely.


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