Cute and Easy Easter Crafts for Kids

Looking for some fun and easy Easter crafts for kids? Then I bid you welcome to this Easter craft page with lots of cute DIY ideas for getting kids active and creative this spring.

Here you will find very simple step-by-step DIY Easter projects that are fairly quick to do (and thus hopefully won't bore potentially impatient minds), and which don't require that many craft accessories.

The kids Easter crafts, I'll inspire you to make on this page are:

Lots of easy easter crafts for kids: bunnies and chickens.

Let's Get Going with These Adorable and Easy Easter Crafts for Kids

A Cute Paper Plate Chicken

Easter kids crafts: Paper plate chicken.

This paper plate chicken a great example of simple and easy Easter crafts for kids. All you need for this adorable chicken are:

  • A pair of scissors, a pencil and a paint brush
  • A paper plate or plastic plate
  • Some yellow acrylic paint
  • Two yellow feathers
  • Some orange cardboard / paperboard
  • Craft wiggle eyes (you can just use a black pen if you don't have these)
  • Some glue and / or sticky tape

Here are some instructions to follow if you're not comfortable just looking at the picture and winging it. 😉

  1. Paint the paper plate with the yellow paint. If one layer isn't enough, just apply another layer. Let it dry.

  2. Draw a pair of chicken feet / legs and and a small square (for the beak) on the orage cardboard, and cut them out with a pair of scissors.

  3. Fold the beak so that it becomes triangular, and glue the beak and the wiggly eyes onto the plate.

  4. Bend the legs and glue them on to the back of the plate (look at the picture above). If you find that they won't stick, you can use some sticky tape.

  5. Finally glue on the feathers for wings, and you will have now have created the cutest paper plate chicken to decorate your home.

A Sweet Paper Plate Bunny

Easy Kids Easter crafts: paper plate bunny - white rabbit.

This is the bunny version of the Easter paper plate chicken. The paper plate bunny is just as easy to make as the chicken, and it is just as cute.

What you need to make it is:

  • A pair of scissors, a black pen and a pink pen
  • A paper plate or plastic plate
  • Some cotton wool
  • Some white cardboard / paperboard
  • Some glue and / or sticky tape
  • Craft wiggle eyes (you can just use a black pen if you don't have these)

This is how you go about creating your Easter paper plate bunny:

  1. Take the paper plate and glue on the wiggly eyes and make a small ball out of the cotton wool and glue it on as nose (if the paper plate isn't white, make sure you paint it white first). 

  2. Draw the mouth, eyebrows and whiskers on the paper plate, too.

  3. Draw the ears and legs / feet and cut them out with a pair of scissors. They don't have to have precise measurements - you can just look at the picture above and imitate what I've done.

  4. Bend the legs and glue them on to the back of the plate (look at the picture above). If you find that they won't stick, you can use some sticky tape.

  5. Glue on the ears on the back of the plate as well. And that's it! You're done!

Lovely Easter DIY Sock Bunnies

Fun Easter crafts for kids: making sock bunnies.

These adorable Easter sock bunnies might look complicated to do, but really, they are not. They are actually quite easy Easter crafts that your kids can do with a little help from you.

Here is what you need to make these Easter sock bunnies:

  • A pair of scissors and some glue
  • A couple of socks - I just nicked some of my son's old socks (make sure they don't have holes, though)
  • Some colored cloth in white and pink (I used some dish cloths I had in my drawer)
  • Some black thread
  • Some uncooked rice
  • Craft wiggle eyes (you can just use a black pen if you don't have these)

Here are the instructions for making these cute sock bunnies:

  1. First we will make the rabbit body. So take a sock and fill it with rice until the sock has the approximate size of your clenched fist. Then take some thread and close the sock just above the rice.

    Then you fill in some more rice, but not as much as the first time around. Here we making head, so it needs to be smaller. Once again, close the sock with some thread (look at the picture above).  

  2. Now we need to make ears, and to do that you need to take your scissors and cut down from the top of the sock until you reach the head. You cut down on two sides, so that you get two ears.

  3. Now it is time to make the white belly, the pink nose and the pink areas in the ears. So take your white cloth and cut out a round circle that fits the rabbit body, and by rule of thumb, cut out the nose and ears from the pink cloth.

  4. Glue on the wiggly eyes as well as the pink areas for the ears, the nose and belly.

  5. Finally take the black thread and sew on a mouth as shown in the picture.

  6. Congratulations, you've now made the cutest Easter sock bunnies for your windowsill.

Really Simple Handprint Chicken

Easy Easter crafts for kids: handprint chicken.

This super cute handprint chicken was actually an idea I got from my son's kindergarden. It's so easy to make and really personal at the same time as you have to use your little one's handprints.

Here is what you need to make the Easter handprint chicken:

  • A pair of scissors, a pencil and some glue
  • Some yellow and orange cardboard / paperboard (as you can see, I didn't have any orange cardboard, so I had to settle for some red)
  • Craft wiggle eyes (you can just use a black pen if you don't have these)

Here is how you go about creating your personal handprint chicken:

  1. Draw a big oval circle on the yellow cardboard and cut it out.

  2. Draw a square and the long legs on the orange cardboard and cut them out.

  3. Draw around your kid's hands on the orange cardboard and cut them out.

  4. Attach the legs and handprints on the back of the yellow oval circle with some glue.

  5. Glue on the wiggly eyes and bend the orange square so that it forms a triangle and glue on that one too (look at the picture to see what I mean).

  6. Hang up the finished handprint chicken e.g. on a window or on a cupboard with some sticky tape.

Adorable Easter Toilet Paper Roll Chicken

Toilet roll chicken as cute Easter crafts for kids.

Don't throw out your toilet paper rolls just yet, they can be used to make lots of easy Easter crafts. First I will show you how to make a cute toilet paper roll chicken and then I will show you how to just as easily make a toilet paper roll bunny. 

These are the things you need to have to make this lovely little toilet paper roll chicken:

  • A pair of scissors, a pencil, a paintbrush and some glue
  • Some yellow acrylic paint
  • A toilet paper roll
  • Some orange cardboard / paperboard (as you can see, I didn't have any orange cardboard, so I had to settle for some red)
  • Craft wiggle eyes (you can just use a black pen if you don't have these)
  • Some yellow feathers (I used three)

Here are the step-by-step guidelines for making the toilet paper roll chicken:

  1. With your paintbrush paint the toilet paper roll yellow and let it dry.

  2. Draw a square (the beak) and the legs / feet on the orange cardboard and cut them out. (Make sure that the legs are long enough to be able to be glued on inside the roll).

  3. Bend the beak so it forms a triangle, and glue it on the toilet paper roll along with the wiggly eyes.

  4. Glue on the legs inside the toilet roll (you need to bend them, to be able to do this)

  5. And finally glue on the feathers for wings and for a lock of hair.

  6. Voila! Your Easter chicken is done!

The Cutest Toilet Paper Roll Bunny

Cute toilet roll bunny for Easter.

There is no end to the creativity that old toilet paper rolls may inspire when it comes to easy Easter crafts. Here I will show you how to very easily make a toilet paper roll bunny as an adorable and easy Easter decoration.  

Here is what you need to make the toilet paper roll bunny:

  • A pair of scissors, a pencil, a black and pink pen, a paintbrush and some glue
  • Some white acrylic paint
  • A toilet paper roll
  • Some white cardboard / paperboard
  • Craft wiggle eyes (you can just use a black pen if you don't have these)

Here are the very simple step to make the toilet paper roll bunny:

  1. With your paintbrush paint the toilet paper roll white and let it dry.

  2. Draw the legs / feet and the ears on the white cardboard and cut them out. (make sure that the legs and ears are long enough to be able to be glued on inside the roll).

  3. Color the pink areas on the ears (look at the picture above) and then glue on the ears and legs inside the toilet roll (you need to bend the legs to be able to do this).

  4. And finally glue on the wiggly eyes and take your pink pen and color a nose and with your black pen, draw some whiskers and a mouth.

  5. And that's it. Simple right?

Hama Beads Easter Crafts for Kids

Here are some very easy Hama beads Easter projects for kids. Your kids may either use the finished bead plate decorations as inspiration, or you can choose to download the Easter Hama bead templates below and print them out. It's all up to you.

All the Hama beads designs are made on a simple large square bead plate, so to make these easy Easter crafts you don't need to go out and find any fancy shaped bead plates.

Hama Beads Easter Chicken

Cute yellow Easter chicken with Hama beads

The first Hama bead design I want to show you is a simple Easter chicken. To make this Hama bead chicken, you only need three colors:

  • Orange
  • Yellow
  • Black

If you want a Hama bead template for the Easter chicken, please just download the design below.

Template for hama beads: yellow chicken for Easter.

Cute Hama Beads Easter Bunny

Easy hama beads Easter crafts: Dark Easter bunny.

This cute Hama beads Easter bunny can be made in both black (as I've done) or brown or gray. Whichever color suits you or that you have on stock.

For this Easter bunny, you also only need three colors:

  • Pink
  • Black
  • White

If your kids want to use a Hama bead template for the Easter bunny, just download the one below.

Hama beads template for dark Easter bunny.

Hama Beads Easter Chicken in an Easter Egg

Hama beads chicken in an egg for Easter.

Here is another Easter chicken made of Hama beads. This one has just hatched from a colorful Easter egg.

To make this easy Easter crafts design, I've used a bit more colors:

  • Yellow
  • Orange
  • Black
  • Green
  • Blue
  • Red

Download the Easter chicken Hama bead template below:

Easter Hama beads template for a chicken in an egg.

Decorative Hama Bead Easter Egg with Flowers

Easter egg with Hama beads. Easy Easter kids crafts.

There are many ways to decorate an Easter egg - this goes for Hama beads Easter eggs too. Here I have made a colorful Easter egg with blue flowers with a pink and purple background.

The colors I've used are thus:

  • Blue
  • Yellow
  • Pink
  • Purple

To download and print this easy Easter crafts egg design template, just click on the 'download' button below.

Hama beads template for Easter egg with flowers.

Cute Easter Chicken from Hama Beads

Cute Easter chicken for kids  made in Hama beads.

Here is another version of the proverbial Easter chicken. This Hama beads Easter chicken only consists of three colors:

  • Yellow
  • Orange
  • Black

Please find the Hama beads Easter chicken template below:

Cute template for Hama beads. Easter chicken.

Hama Beads Easter Bunny with Easter Egg

Easy Easter crafts for kids. Hama beads white Easter bunny.

This Hama beads Easter bunny might be a little bit more complex to do, but still it's rather small, so it should definitely be doable for smaller children too.

The colors you need to make this white Easter bunny are:

  • White
  • Pink
  • Black
  • Blue
  • Yellow
  • Green

To download this Hama beads Easter bunny template, please click on 'download' below.

Hama beads template for kids. White Easter bunny.

That was it for now. I hope that you and your kids found something inspiring on this easy Easter crafts page. To find more Easter inspired pages, please follow one of the links below this article.

I wish you all a very happy Easter.

Your Positive Parenting Ally,

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